
For each day
we live

Be Happy

Be Grateful

Cultivate Spiritually

One Mantra
For Life

Recite the Mahabala Heart Mantra and dedicated the to merit the grand master's health and well being

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To ensure continuation of the lineage of Living Buddha Lian-sheng and True Buddha School, this fundraising project aims to build a cultivation hall, library and other facilities for over 100 to practice Buddhism together. Your kind support to this project will help propagate True Buddha teachings.
为了延续真佛宗与莲生活佛的传承,本筹款项目旨在建造一所真佛宗道场、图书馆和其他设施,供 100 多人共同修行学佛。您的赞助将助于弘扬真佛密法。

Merit Items

龙柱 Dragon Pillar
SGD 10,000
大地砖 Floor Tile
SGD 200
一块砖 Single Brick
SGD 20
建筑结构 Building Structure
From SGD 1



Yuan Zheng Tang of True Buddha School Instagram